
My Participation in 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents

Paper Presentation

I present my paper titled “” authured by at the Trust session on Wednesday, September 18th 11:00-12:00.

Later I will also add the presentation files to this page.

M. Kamelabad, A., Engwall, O., & Skantze, G. (2024). Conformity and Trust in Multi-party vs. Individual Human-Robot Interaction. ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA ’24).

Doctoral Consortium

I will present my Ph.D. studies on Innovative Language Learning Using AI and Robot Environment at the Doctoral Consortium on Sunday, September 15th 13:50-14:10.

Docroral Consortium Presentation

I will add the presentation files to this page in the coming days.

Interactive Poster

Doctoral Consortium - IVA 2024 by Alireza M. Kamelabad

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